Participação em publicação internacional sobre economia compartilhada e regulação

Participação em publicação internacional sobre economia compartilhada e regulação

Participação em publicação internacional sobre economia compartilhada e regulação

Publicado em junho de 2020 o livro intitulado Strategies for Business Sustainability in a Collaborative Economy, que teve a participação do advogado Luiz Guedes da Luz Neto, membro deste escritório, a convite da professora Ramona-Diana Leon.

O livro foi organizado pela professora Ramona-Diana Leon, da National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, localizada na Romênia, e contou com a participação de pesquisadores de várias nacionalidades.

O advogado Luiz Guedes escreveu o capítulo sobre a realidade da regulação econômica no Brasil e das mudanças regulatórias necessárias no país para a sobrevivência das negócios criados na economia compartilhada.

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Abaixo transcreve-se a descrição do livro, com breve resumo de cada capítulo:


Against the backdrop of globalization, digitalization, and the new entrance of Generation Z on the labor market, the economic environment has started to become more dynamic, complex, and uncertain. New management, marketing, and accounting tools and strategies are needed to improve a company’s sustainability in the current collaborative economy.

Strategies for Business Sustainability in a Collaborative Economy is a collection of innovative research that focuses on organizational tools and practices that may foster a company’s success in the new economic context, which is defined by the faster pace of technological progress and the entrance of Generation Z on the labor market. Thus, it analyzes how Generation Z transforms human resources policies and practices and how they change the concept of sustainability through their needs and expectations. Highlighting a wide range of topics including resource management, knowledge-based firms, and business models, this publication examines how business models evolve given the success recorded by newer companies. This book is ideally designed for entrepreneurs, executives, managers, economists, academicians, researchers, and students.

Topics Covered

The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to:

  • Business Models
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Human Resources Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge-Based Firms
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Organizational Tools
  • Resource Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Sustainability

Table of Contents and List of Contributors

Please note that this book is currently in development and this table of contents is tentative. Chapter authors can make adjustments to their individual submissions in the eEditorial Discovery® system if they notice any discrepancies.

Chapter 1 Changes in Regulatory Laws Over the Sharing Economy Business on the Example of Brazil: A Crucial Point for Its Feasibility

Luiz Guedes da Luz Neto

The shared economy gained importance in the early 21st century, gaining scale through the internet. With this, various business models were created, offering innovative products and services to people. Many of the businesses in the sharing economy, because of their innovative character, challenge state regulation, which still does not know how to fit them, because, as disruptive, these businesses no longer seem to fit into traditional legal categories. And this difficulty in the legal framework can create burdens on innovative companies that can negatively impact results, as well as maintaining these companies in the market in a competitive manner. The search for state regulation that can adequately frame new businesses born in the sharing economy is a major challenge for the state regulator, which must seek regulation that protects users without impeding the development of new business. The regulation of new businesses in the sharing economy is a great challenge in Brazil because this regulation create a lot of problems to the companies born in the sharing economy.

Chapter 2 The Role of the State in Optimizing Communication Between Generation Z and Migrants in the Human Resources Management

Anatolii Shyian, Liliia Nikiforova

The aim of this work is to develop methods of government migration policy in order to motivate migrants to joint economic activities, especially with generation Z. The goals of a developed state are to include migrants in social, political and economic institutions to increase the welfare of their citizens, as in the short-term, so in the long run. Migrants who are not suitable for the realization of the interests of indigenous peoples should be repatriated (deported). Migrants can run away from hostilities, they can run away from poverty. The game-theoretic model built in the article made it possible to identify the fundamental features of the process of harmonizing the interests of the state (government) and migrants. To implement the motivation of migrants, the article offers an example of consistent general trainings that migrants must successfully develop for successful joint activities with Generation Z.

Chapter 3 How Does National Culture Influence Microfinance Institutions?: Evidence Based on Investigating 45 Countries

Zsuzsanna Banász, Anikó Csepregi

Many studies deal with the determinants of countries’ culture or efficiency of microfinance institutions (MFIs). This chapter aims to fill the gap in the literature by analyzing the connection between national cultural features and indicators of countries’ MFIs. The summary of analyses made regarding MFIs is followed by the national cultural dimensions, and how knowledge strategy could serve poverty reduction. 45 countries represent the subject of the research. Their statistics are available for both MFIs and national culture. Rank correlation and investigation of TOP5 countries show that the MFIs are successful in countries characterized by high levels of power distance, collectivistic, long term oriented and restraint culture. Based on these results the chapter lists countries where MFIs could be successfully introduced based on their national cultural features and recommends certain knowledge strategies for effective operation. Finally, research directions as a continuation of this study are also presented.

Chapter 4 Factors Affecting Sustainable Higher Educational Partnerships

Chris Bamber, Enis Elezi

The globally competitive environment of higher education is exemplified by many UK Universities, private education institutes and Public Colleges entering into collaborative agreements with partner organisations. No more is this movement seen than with private Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) entering into collaborative arrangements with many stakeholders, including new partners once seen as competitors. Those entrepreneurial minded executives leading and governing HEIs have thus seen partnerships as, Strategies for Business Sustainability in a Collaborative Economy, giving them competitive advantage and enhancing their strategic intent. This chapter provides a critical and useful review of HEI Knowledge Management (KM) factors that enable successful stages of collaboration. Within this chapter, sustainability practices in Higher Education Partnerships are reviewed through examination of KM factors and discussions of a private HEI using case study examples from their sustainability journey.

Chapter 5 When Giants Meet: Collaborative Economy, Blockchain Technology, and Social Media

Myriam Ertz, Émilie Boily

The collaborative economy (CE) involves an intensification of direct or intermediated peer-to-peer trade, underpinned by robust digital infrastructures and processes, hence an increased use of new technologies and a redefinition of business activities. As an inherently connected economy, the CE is, therefore, prone to integrating the most recent technological advances including artificial intelligence, big data analysis, augmented reality, the smart grid, and blockchain technology. As an innovative payment and finance technology, the blockchain and cryptocurrencies could have potential implications for the CE. This chapter consists of a conceptual review analyzing how the CE connects with the blockchain technology. The chapter presents subsequently the organizational and managerial implications related to the use of blockchain technology in terms of governance, transaction costs, and user confidence. An illustrative case further examines the role of a prominent social media in the CE-blockchain nexus.

Chapter 6 Predictive Factors of Attitude Towards Online Disruptive Advertising

Juneman Abraham, Dean Septian, Tommy Prayoga, Yustinus Suhardi Ruman

By leveraging knowledge of subconsciousness seducing technique combined with building algorithms capable of analyzing internet users’ needs as well as providing relevant information, disruptive ads that appear abruptly (in terms of the timing, placement, and method of ending/closing the content) in web pages and mobile applications are accepted as a quality effective means of consumer persuasion. This present study proposed uncertainty avoidance, perceived usefulness, and openness personality trait as the predictors of attitude towards online disruptive advertising. Participants of this study were 137 Indonesian internet users (75 males, 62 females, Mage = 23.02 years old, SDage = 3.367 years). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that only perceived usefulness and openness personality trait are able to predict the attitude, i.e. in positive directions. The uncertainty-certainty paradoxes contained in disruptive advertising are discussed to understand the psychological dynamics involved in a facet of the attitude ambiguity.

Chapter 7 Firm-Specific Moderators in Recovery From Brand Scandals: Insight Into Consumer Markets and Capital Markets

Betül Çal

The aim of this paper is to investigate the firm-related factors which moderate the effect size of corporate scandals that brands are faced with at times. The issue is analyzed from consumer market and capital market perspectives. An extensive literature review is presented to reveal the existing viewpoints and applications in this aspect. Among the firm-specific factors discussed are brand equity, firm size and industry, corporate reputation, social responsibility, CEO traits, source and timing of disclosure. It is concluded that although brand scandals are hard to control, depending on various conditions related to both the firm and industry, their effect size can at least be managed with a proactive approach which is handled at the strategic level.

Chapter 8 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the 2030 Agenda in the Framework of New Trends in Tourism and Hotel Companies’ Performance

Raquel Revila, Olga Moure

Sustainable tourism refers to those tourism activities that respect the natural, cultural and social environment and the values of a community, which allows to enjoy a positive exchange of experiences between residents and visitors, where the relationship between the tourist and the community Is fair and the benefits of the activity are evenly distributed, and where visitors have a truly participatory attitude in their travel experience. One of the main keys to sustainable tourism sustains that it is necessary the involvement of the visitors and the host and local community, so that this new conception of tourist practice have guaranteed future.

Chapter 9 Corporate Social Responsibility as a Part of the Strategies for Business Sustainability Based on the Innovative Activity Development

Iveta Ubrežiová, Oksana Sokil, Mária Janošková

This chapter is to identify the most effective measures of Corporate Social Responsibility pillars which prompt the CSR implementation as an innovative tool for modern business. Difference between the respondents’ education level and the level of their awareness with the concept of CSR is researched. Primary data were collected by conducting the survey in 2019, statistical analysis of data was performed using software SAS: Analytics, Business Intelligence and Data Management. The results showed that research and development in the field of environmental protection, development of qualification, skills of employees and conducting a systematic stakeholders’ survey about the company’s activities are the most effective measures to improve innovation through CSR. The research it was found out that the level of education affects the level of knowledge about CSR, and the job title of the respondents has no effect on the level of CSR concept awareness. The study also provides significant recommendations for improving the level of CSR implementation that can be used by all kind of business,

Chapter 10 Addressing Sustainability and Industry 4.0 to the Business Model

Maria do Rosário Cabrita, Susana Duarte

Industry 4.0 drivers and sustainability are topics increasingly referred to as part of the firm’s strategy. Business value creation must be linked to sustainability and be designed on the road to the Industry 4.0. Technological advancements can bring about countless opportunities for growth and success in achieving humanity’s set goals fitting the challenges of sustainability. This seminal work attempts to explore how Industry 4.0 creates opportunities to promote business sustainability. Based on the concepts of sustainability, business model and the Industry 4.0 drivers, this paper aims to provide insightful information on the potentials of exploring business model in the age of Industry 4.0.

Chapter 11 Developing Strategies in the Sharing Economy: Human Influence on Artificial Neural Networks

Ramona Leon

The sharing economy is challenging the traditional business models and strategies by encouraging collaboration, non-ownership, temporal access, and redistribution of goods and/or services. Within this framework, the current chapter aims to examine how managers influence, voluntarily or involuntarily, the reliability of a managerial early warning system, based on an artificial neural network. The analysis focuses on 7 Romanian sustainable knowledge-based organizations and brings forward that managers tend to influence the results provided by a managerial early warning system based on artificial neural network, voluntarily and involuntarily. On the one hand, they are the ones who consciously decide which departments and persons are involved in establishing the structure of the managerial early warning system. On the other hand, they unconsciously influence the structure of the managerial early warning system through the authority they exercise during the managerial debate.

Chapter 12 The Response of Trading Volume to Borsa Istanbul Sustainability Index Inclusions and Exclusions

Ibrahim Gok, Handan GoksenBorsa

Istanbul Sustainability Index (XUSRD) was launched on November 4, 2014. Initially, there were 15 firms in the index. This number grows to 56 as of December 2019. This study aims to investigate whether the firms’ inclusion in or exclusion from XUSRD affect their trading volume. Both the effects of the announcement days and the effective days of the index changes were considered, and six index events that occurred between Nov 2014 and Dec 2019 were studied. On the effective days and their subsequent days, there were no significant trading volume changes for both included and excluded firms. On the announcement days, the trading volume increased for the included firms and decreased for the excluded firms, though only the experience of the deleted firms was statistically significant. Therefore, there was an asymmetric response to additions and deletions. In addition, the index effect on the included and excluded firms was temporary, which supports the price pressure hypothesis.

Chapter 13 Creative Problem Solving in Online Innovation Contests: What Motivates Top Solvers to Participate in the New Collaborative Economy?

Rolf Baltzersen

Online innovation contests represent one of the most interesting new ways of utilizing creative skills in the new collaborative economy, but we still know very little about what motivates the problem solvers. Previous studies suggest that the economic reward is not the only motivational factor, but there are many other motives too. The aim of this research study is to identify the core motivational dimensions based on the experiences of top solvers in three different types of online innovation contests. The empirical findings are used to construct a motivational typology for creative problem solving that can guide future research.

Chapter 14 Performance Measurement Systems for Healthcare Organisations

Raúl Rodríguez Rodríguez, Sara Figueroa, Juan-Jose Alfaro-Saiz, María-José Verdecho

This chapter deals with the performance measurement systems (PMS) for healthcare organisations topic. PMS have been proved to be a widely used management tool to control, monitor and manage performance and, extensively, organisations. However, most of the developed works have focused on industrial organisations, being the application of this topic to health organisations not fully exploited. This chapter brings, based on scientific literature, some sound reviews that could be the starting point for researching activities in this topic. Then, it shows an overview of performance measurement elements applied to healthcare organisations from different optics such as efficacy, quality, adequateness, use of ICT and sustainability at both intra and inter-organisational contexts.

Chapter 15 Predicting Employee Performance: An Intergenerational Approach

Ramona Leon, Ramona Tănăsescu, Carmen Tănăsescu

The research aims to perform an intergenerational analysis regarding the impact of counterproductive behavior and contextual performance on employees’ task performance. The analysis is performed on a convenience sample of 165 employees from three different generations who work in the banking system. The results show that: (i) 33.50% of task performance variance is determined by the variance of contextual individual performance, and counterproductive behavior; (ii) 13% of the variance of contextual individual performance can be explained by the variance in counterproductive behavior; (iii) 33.70% of the variance of contextual organizational performance can be explained by the variance of task performance and counterproductive behavior. Besides, significant differences appear regarding the influence of (i) the counterproductive behavior on the contextual performance (Generation X vs. Y); (ii) the contextual individual performance on task performance (Generation X vs. Z); and (iii) the counterproductive behavior on the contextual individual performance (Generation Y vs. Z).

Chapter 16 Strategies for Business Sustainability in a Collaborative Economy: Building the Career Resilience of Generation Z

Naomi Borg, Christina Scott-Young, Nader Naderpajouh

The increasingly complex and turbulent 21st Century work environment poses challenges for businesses that can threaten their long-term sustainability. Given the rapid developments in technology, increasing rates of employee turnover, skills shortages and changing expectations from Generation Z, the youngest generation now entering the workforce, organizations are recognizing the importance of developing a career resilient workforce. Individual employees’ career resilience frames their capacity to respond when faced with career challenges, allowing them to continue functioning effectively, adapt in a flexible manner, and to successfully deliver work outcomes. To sustain a resilient workforce, managers must actively plan, develop and deploy human resource management initiatives aimed at instilling career resilience in the youngest workplace entrants. By strategically designing generationally-appropriate management practices to maximize Generation Z talent, organizations can bolster their business sustainability to remain competitive in the changing economy.

Chapter 17 3W1H Approach to Understand the Millennial Generation

Sahil Malik, Geetika Chandra, Anindita Rao, Shilpa Arora

The chapter is written in such a way to examine all the facets belonging to Millennial generation. The utility to understand this generation is to evolve strategies to keep this workforce engaged and retained in their organizations. The chapter under “Who” incorporating all the generations both before and after the Millennials. Millennials in specific share birth years from 1980 to 2000 and are 2 billion in number out of 7.4 billion people. Secondly, chapter includes the “Why” of Millennials asserting the events and situations that has made them “Millennials”. It comprises primarily of factors like Technology, Social Media, Economy, Education, Employment and Culture and Lifestyle which has been discussed in length in the chapter. Thirdly, the “What” about Millennials would inform readers of things required to know about this generation. It basically consists of work motivations and work values exhibited by Millennials. Finally, chapter takes account of “How” to engage and retain this generation which give account of certain job resources.

Chapter 18 Talent Management as a Part of Sustainable Human Resources Management

Mária Janošková, Iveta Ubrežiová, Katarína Čulková

Presently development of knowledge society and the conception of human capital stimulated creation of different view to human resources. Key factor of company success present are not just material and financial sources, but still greater attention is given to talents. Mainly human resources present most important strategic assets of company. Mostly employees that can be marked as „talents“, have greatest importance. Organizations receive talents differently, which is caused by different environment and conditions, in which they act and have different demands on employees and necessary managing of certain working position. Implementation of talent management in practice is not yet distinct, since there is lack of process idea. The chapter is orientated on an overview of the opinions of experts’ on talent management in literature, identification and evaluation of career building of employees in an industrial company in Slovakia, with suggestion application of talent management model.

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